Global Cyber Peace Conference – Envisioning the World after The Great Pause – 24 h program

Mediators Beyond Borders International invites you to the 1st Annual Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association’s Global Cyber Peace Conference! This event will be a dynamic and interactive online experience featuring speakers and attendees from around the globe working collaboratively together from their own homes.  

The year’s theme is “Envisioning the World after The Great Pause”.  Our traditional governmental, educational, business and family systems have been disrupted. How can positive peace inform how these systems are re-imagined and reconstructed?

MBBI will be leading workshops in all three time zones on mediation and conflict prevention.

We invite you all to be a part of envisioning a world you choose to live in.

ENCC Incubator 2020: the first online retreat

On June 17 and 18 2020, we ran our annual Incubator retreat for selected participants to reflect and consult with experts and peers.

This should have been a physical meeting to get away from daily work and focus on the emerging projects. This year, of course, it had to be a videoconference. Representatives from each of the 6 projects were joined online by experts Maïa Sert (France), Anta Tsaira (Greece) and Ivo Peeters (Belgium), as well as by a few ENCC staff members.

Read more about how our annual Incubator programme works.

How did it go? As one participant wrote later, ‚the lack of physical presence worked paradoxically as a motivational component to keep the discussion alive‚. Another noted that one of the drawbacks of the online meeting (not knowing when and who will speak next) created a more careful rhythm in the way participants listened and responded. In the end, though most present regretted not being able to continue the conversations in person, they were able to discuss issues such as distributing funds between partners and upscaling a local project to an international one with value for all involved, as well as broader ones related to intersectionality, interculturality, participative strategies, collective authorship and even how to decolonise cultural projects and imagine a postracial society.

The discussions were a good illustration of why the ENCC supports and mentors European cooperation projects by its members but also by outside organisations and collectives who relate to our values and mission. Our network firmly believes in investing in EU projects with the potential to bring positive societal change in terms of equality, interculturality and sustainability. Stay tuned for further development on these 6 emergent and promising projects.


YES:EYE:s:CAN, developed by APORON 21 – Association of the Arts, Cultures and Sciences (Austria – member of ENCC member IG Kultur Österreich) and represented by Igor F. Petkovic, proposes an international, artistic network campaign in European cities and territories with multimedia immersive installations in public spaces. It aims to contribute to peace-building and awareness of diversity by creating a bottom-up artistic platform for societal change.



musikalische Intervention am 14.7.2018 am Stand “Oficirac” auf der Petrovaradiner Seite der Donau in Novi Sad (SER) Parallel zum turbokapitalisierten Major Label Festival EXIT bieten wir BREXIT vom EXIT!   BREXIT_logoBREXIT_plakatbrexit2






#BadRadkesburg / #GornjaRadgona #BrückederFreundschaft #Mostnameji

Intervention “..du kimmst ah no mid uns mid..!”, “Stell´Dich ein in Oberkrain”, und “Die Sepperl Polka” von #APORON21
#WernerMandlberger, #MarkusOberleitner Vogel Perspektive, Elmar Gubisch, Dominika Kalcher, Igor F. Petković

With: #SteirischeGesellschaftfürKulturpolitik, #GKP, #APORON21, #AndreaKral, Kurt Flecker, #MaxHöfler, Erwin Stefanie Posarnig, Helene Baur, #Zollamt, #Pavelhaus – Pavlova hiša, Andreas Unterweger, Irina Karamarkovic, #OMASGEGENRECHTS Steiermark, Susi Weitlaner, #radioAGORA 105,5, Franz Trampusch, #itsch, #GernotSaiko, u. v. m.

Samstag, 7. Juli 2018, 16:30-19:30
„Brücke der Freundschaft“ in Bad Radkersburg
(zwischen Bad Radkersburg und Gornja Radgona)

Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle Menschen, die für die Erhaltung unserer demokratischen Werte eintreten und das Miteinander feiern!
Nehmen wir die Herausforderung der Zeit an, treten gemeinsam als kulturpolitische Kraft über die Grenzen hinaus ein und überwinden wir diese in den Köpfen!

* Mehrere hundert Polizisten und Soldaten waren bei der Großübung „Pro Borders“ im Einsatz, um auf dem Gelände des Aufnahme- und Verteilerzentrums am Grenzübergang Spielfeld vorzuführen, wie eine Gruppe von sich durch die Grenze drängenden Flüchtlingen gestoppt wird. Es war der erste Auftritt für die neue Polizeieinheit “Puma”.

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